Change Dashboard

Looking for an easy and effective measure of the “people” side of a Change initiative?

Want a visual that will spark the right conversations with Senior Leaders and stakeholders?

Here’s How

The you-curve Change Dashboard rolls up the information from all teams in an organization to create graphic measure of buy-in and adoption. Bring the power of this tool to your client/organization and bring focus to your Change efforts.

Measures the number of people in the organization at each stage of the change curve.


Drill down by Business Unit, Division, Department or any stakeholder group.

Measures the number of people in each team at each stage of the change curve.

Are you Ready for Change?

Take Our Survey and Get Your Free Change Assessment.

Guide Your Team through Turbulent Times!

Let us show you how to make you and your people more successful with you-curve tools, training and support!

Take Control of the Curve

Our practical approach can be mastered easily and put into practice immediately.